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Essentials of Pure Land Buddhism—What is greatest pleasure?  (Episode 11)  2018/1/10  No:29-509-0011_en

  I don’t want fame, and I don’t want power. My greatest pleasure in life is what Professor Fang Dongmei taught me “Learning Buddhism is the greatest pleasure in the life”. You understand, don’t you? What is greatest pleasure? The greatest pleasure is to not manage people, money, and things. I did it, so I am very happy. I don’t hate or make enemy with anyone in my life. I only lecture. Depending on my physical condition, I can lecture one hour per day when I am well. If I am not well, I lecture once per week. Mr. Lee had lectured once per week for 38 years in Taichung. You must understand this. The greatest pleasure is to be free and unoccupied.


