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Essentials of Pure Land Buddhism—How to deal with the person who is abusing us, whether it's physically or mentally?  (Episode 10)  2018/1/3  No:29-509-0010_en

  It is good to bear some hardship in this mundane world because it eliminates your sins. You shouldn’t think that you are insulted, bullied, cheated, or harmed. Instead, you need to see them as good things because they help eliminate your sins. If you don’t appreciate and make enemies of them, you will never know when your sins can be eliminated. It is blessing when your mind remains pure, but it is sin if your mind is stirred by desires and afflictions. Does your mind generate afflictions, happiness, or the intention to recite “Amitabha” more every day? To stir your mind by these wandering thoughts is all committing sin.


