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Harmony and a Better Self: The Future of Mankind  (Episode 1)  2018/12/9  Melbourne Australia  No:32-309-0001_en

  Respected Chairman Liu, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen:It is a joyous occasion to be a part of this gathering in Melbourne with distinguished officials, scholars and experts from around the world to talk about education and arts. I am honoured to talk about how ‘education must be given priority’ here. The theme of this international forum shows us that the future of humankind will be promising if we can promote good education today.

  What is good education? Let’s take a look at the meaning of education in Chinese. This word comprises two characters 教 (jiao) and 育 (yu). Jiao means to follow, or to be an example for others to follow. Yu means to raise children so that they can act with good intent. So, by combining the two characters into one word, we have the meaning of education—to act and speak as examples to teach our children properly so that their innate goodness will be inspired. This meaning of education is similar to what is found in the Bible: ‘Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.’ (Proverbs 22:6 KJV)

  When we appreciate the meaning of education, we also need to know how to conduct it properly. Once, when visiting Beijing Normal University, I saw a motto written and agreed upon by all the professors of the school. The motto is ‘Learn to be an excellent teacher; act as an exemplary model for all’. To me, it encapsulates the essence of the great Buddhist Avatamsaka Sutra, which perfectly includes all forms of secular and spiritual education.

  We have seen two very successful teachers in history: Sakyamuni Buddha and Confucius. They were successful because they followed the golden rule of ‘practice what you preach’. They transformed peoples’ lives by practicing everything they had taught. When people are willing to trust and follow the teachings, such education will be successful.

  We would have to wonder what all the great sages, including religious saints and sages, of the east and the west, and throughout history, taught to all people. If we could summarize everything into one phrase, it would be ‘filial piety’. Filial piety is represented by the Chinese character 孝 (xiao). The upper character 老represents the word ‘elders’. The lower character 子 refers to ‘children’. By combining ‘elders’ and ‘children’ into one character, the oneness between parents and their children is shown to be inseparable. Parents have their parents and children also have their children. This lineage has no clear beginning and will continue indefinitely. In a sense, infinite space and time are one. This is the truth of the universe. How can we fail to love others and live in harmony with others if we are all one living entity? When we are one, how can there be competition or conflict?

  Many experts and scholars are participating in this forum. Dr Elisabet Sahtouris once said, ‘If bacteria could learn to cooperate without the benefit of a heart or brain, surely we humans should be able to so as well’. With her research, Dr Sahtouris reminds us that humankind must find the ‘oneness’ together. And with the universal love found in the oneness of humankind, this universal love will help our world return to its sacredness. The most profound meaning of the universe is elegantly simple.

  With this special occasion today, let us work hard to revive the tradition of religious education and to promote universal love education. From the love found in the oneness of humanity, we love our parents in the family, respect our teachers and are trustworthy and caring towards our siblings and friends. Regarding work, we are loyal and honourable. Promoting these teachings will bring about sustainable growth and lasting prosperity for humankind. Our world will have a bright future and our planet will be in harmony with our galaxy and the entire universe.

  At the present moment, I am in my office in UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. I have the opportunity to discuss with ambassadors and distinguished guests from different countries ways to promote four kinds of education: ethical, moral, causality and sacred teachings of faiths and religions. It is our hope to bring lasting peace and harmony to the world. I am very grateful for being invited to speak here, but I am unable to attend in person. I hope to hear your comments, and I look forward to learning from your input.

  I sincerely wish the international forum a great success! May all of you enjoy health, peace and auspiciousness.

  May Australia and all countries be prosperous, peaceful and harmonious.

  Thank you!


