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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0355

描       述:Abolish useless posts to reduce and save on unnecessary official salaries. Stop all expense paid to nonachievers, merge departments, and dismiss redundant officers. There must be a post for every member of the staff, and for every staff member with job responsibilities a salary must be paid which will replace their earnings from farming. This was a principle regularly applied in ancient times, but the principle should still be applicable to this day also. Scroll 25: Wei Zhi, Vol. 1(譯:夫除無事之位,損不急之祿,止浮食之費,并從容之官。使官必有職,職任其事,事必受祿,祿代其耕,乃往古之常式,當今之所宜也。(卷二十五 魏志上))





