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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0335

描       述:Rather than listening to hearsay, it is better to observe the events. Rather than observing the events, it is better to observe the actors. When listening to hearsay, one must investigate the sources of the hearsay, one must investigate the sources of the hearsay and identify their motives. When observing events, one must verify their authenticity. When observing the actors, one must investigate their stories thoroughly. A careful analysis of the information gathered from these three aspects can help to minimize the occurrence of mistakes. Scroll 49: Fu Zi(譯:故聽言不如觀事,觀事不如觀行。聽言必審其本,觀事必校其實,觀行必考其跡。參三者而詳之,近少失矣。(卷四十九 傅子))





