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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0297

描       述:Heaven and earth may be enormous but without sincerity they will not be able to give life to thousands of things. Sages may be intelligent but without sincerity they will not be able to transform thousands of people with their teachings. Relationship between parents and children may be intimate but without sincerity they will drift apart. Kings are considered the noblest by status but without sincerity they will not be respected. Hence, "Sincerity" is that which a superior person will honor, and it is also the foundation of a good government. Scroll 38: Sun Qing Zi(譯:天地為大矣,不誠則不能化萬物;聖人為智矣,不誠則不能化萬民;父子為親矣,不誠則疏;君上為尊矣,不誠則卑。夫誠者,君子之守,而政事之本也。(卷三十八 孫卿子))





